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CHOATE-5.9L 12 Valve Cummins Full Running Engine! 5 Year/100k Mile Warranty
1994-1998 –5.9L 12 Valve Cummins Full Running Engine-Manufacturer: CHOATE Engineering Performance CHOATE Part Number:CEP59CFW98500
Cylinder Heads- While there aren’t as many issues with the bottom end of the Cummins, there are really BIG problems in the head department.
Valve seats fallout contacting the piston and cause catastrophic failure. We machine oversize valve seats within creased press fit area to remedy this issue.
Stamped gallery plugs in the heads blow out causing a mixture of oil and coolant, destroying the bearings. We thread the head and insert threaded plugs to make sure this issue never rears its ugly head.
Plus: Freeze plugs in the block blow out leaving you at best stranded on the side of the road, at worst, with a severely overheated engine in need of remanufacturing. Every new Choate Cummins engine comes standard with billet freeze plugs that are blow out proof using a tie bar bolting them into the side of the block.
Assembled by Our Professional Team in house
The WorkHorse build is meant for constant towing and heavy duty applications. It is engineered to endure hard work at a consistent level. If you are a rancher, a farmer, hotshotter, or need something to pull Mt. Everest, the Workhorse is the build for you.
Common Issues With The Dodge Cummins 5.9L Engine (and how we fix them)
Optional Parts are not installed. Optional parts are covered under the manufacturer’s warranty and not by CHOATE.
Building engines the way the OEM factory should have in the first place.
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