Part: ATS Aurora Plus 6000
Compound Turbo Kit 2017-2019 Ford 6.7L Powerstroke. ATS Diesel Performance was founded in 1993 and has been serving businesses, hobbyists and racing enthusiasts ever since. Located in Arvada, Colorado, ATS invents, designs, manufactures and distributes diesel truck performance products worldwide.
ATS products set the standard for the industry because of their innovation and superior craftsmanship. Clint Cannon, founder, has been key to the development of ATS products and hashelped ATS earn its position as the most trusted name in diesel performance products.
Clint’s racing experience and vast knowledge of the industry has led ATS to become the authority on diesel performance products. Whether you use your truck for towing, off-road, or racing, ATS can provide you with the finest, most reliable and top performing products made today.
Building engines the way the OEM factory should have in the first place.
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